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Webinar: Outthink the Competition – How a New Generation of Strategists See Options Others Ignore

  • March 05, 2014
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar


  • Special price for members

“Outthinkers” are entrepreneurs and corporate managers with a new playbook. Outthinkers see opportunities others ignore, challenge dogma others accept as truth, rally resources others cannot influence, and unleash new strategies that disrupt their markets. Business competition is undergoing a fundamental paradigm shift and you will want insight into that revolution. Join us as Kaihan Krippendorff (business strategist and popular Fast Company blogger) illustrates stories of businesses whose stunning performances defy traditional explanation and be informed and inspired to outthink the competition. Core concepts include: Discover the Eight Dimensions of Disruption, Play by the Outthinker Playbook, Adopt Five Habits of the Outthinker, Implement the Outthinker Process.

 Register for the CEO Trust Webinar:

is the CEO of Outthinker LLC, a firm committed to helping clients solve strategic problems that matter.  A former McKinsey consultant, he has published four business strategy books, most recently Outthink the Competition, and is one of the most popular bloggers for  Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohammad Yunus has said, "Kaihan shows that with a compelling idea anyone can change the world," and that message has made Kaihan one of the most sought after speakers and consultants, helping firms including Red Bull, Microsoft, Nestle/Purina, L'Oreal, Experian, Johnson & Johnson, and Citibank find innovative strategies to solve problems that matter.

EVENT CHAIR: Chuck Steege, Founder and President of SFG Wealth Planning Services, Inc.

Questions? Contact Lisa Carnesi,

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