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Registration is limited to approved members and guests.  If you did not receive an invitation and would like to attend an event, please register your request and someone from CEO Trust will respond. 

NYC: Times Square Celebration

  • June 18, 2012
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • LDI Color ToolBox - Times Square


  • Special price for members

Perched on the 10th floor at Times Square Plaza, overlooking the neon lights, we will enjoy an evening with spectacular views from the heart of Times Square.  Hors d'oeuvres, wines, and raffle prizes will be on order this evening.  Special feature: Pisco Tasting -- a spirit produced in the winemaking regions of Peru and Chile, has become the national cocktail of Peru and is promising to be the next "margarita" in the US.  This is one event you do not want to miss! 

These twice-a-year celebration receptions are an opportunity for all our Trustees to get together with friends of the organization. It enables Trustees to catch up with old friends and make some new ones.

Questions?  Contact Lisa Carnesi,

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