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NYC: John Steele Gordon for the Author Series

  • September 13, 2011
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • LDI Color Toolbox


  • Special price for members

Spend the evening with a renowned business historian and wonderfully insightful commentator.  Besides his well-known books, Gordon writes compelling articles for major publications that place modern problems into historical perspective.  His best-selling book "Hamilton's Blessing," about establishment of the creditworthiness of the US, may be particularly timely!

John Steele Gordon joins the list of top-tier authors that CEO Trust brings in to share the fruits of their research, and expand our thinking about important and timely topics.

Event Schedule:
6:00 to 6:30pm - Gathering
6:30 to 7:30pm - Event

Speaker Bio:

John Steele Gordon was born in New York City in 1944 into a family long associated with the city and its financial community. He was educated at Millbrook School and Vanderbilt University, graduating with a B.A. in history in 1966.  In 1972,  John decided to travel and drove a Land-Rover from New York to Tierra del Fuego, a nine-month journey of 39,000 miles. This resulted in his first book, Overlanding.

After returning to New York he served on the staffs of Congressmen Herman Badillo and Robert Garcia. He has been a full-time writer for the last twenty years. His second book, The Scarlet Woman of Wall Street, a history of Wall Street in the 1860's, was published in 1988. His third book, Hamilton's Blessing: the Extraordinary Life and Times of Our National Debt, was published in 1997. The Great Game: The Emergence of Wall Street as a World Power, 1653-2000, was published by Scribner, a Simon and Schuster imprint, in November, 1999. A two-hour special based on The Great Game aired on CNBC on April 24th, 2000.  The Business of America, a collection of his columns from American Heritage magazine, was published in July, 2001, by Walker.  His history of the laying of the Atlantic Cable, A Thread Across the Ocean, was published in June, 2002.  His latest book, The Empire of Wealth, published by HarperCollins, is a history of the American economy.

He specializes in business and financial history. He has had articles published in, among others, Forbes, Forbes ASAP, Worth, the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal Op-Ed pages, the Washington Post's Book World and Outlook. He is a contributing editor at American Heritage, where he has written the "Business of America" column since 1989.

He is a frequent commentator on Marketplace, the daily Public Radio business-news program heard on more than two hundred stations throughout the country. He has appeared on numerous other radio and television shows, including New York: A Documentary Film by Ric Burns, Business Center and Squawk Box on CNBC, and The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS. He was a guest in 2001 on a live, two-hour edition of Booknotes with Brian Lamb on C-SPAN.



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