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NY: Ethics By Design: How to Use Nudges, Norms, and Laws to Improve Business Ethics

  • June 03, 2016
  • 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
  • NYU Stern School of Business • 44 West 4th Street • New York, New York 10012
  • 0

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How can ethical systems design make companies more profitable, productive and positive?  What are the key misconceptions around managing ethics? How can we  better align behaviors with their long-term ethical goals?  

Ethics By Design is a unique event, bringing together prominent thinkers and leaders to meet, share and exchange research, resources and relatable strategies around strengthening the ethical climate and culture of today's business world.

If you are a CEO or C-level executive and would like to see if you qualify to attend this event, register online here or contact Cathy Curley with your interest.

This is a limited ticket event. Once all tickets are claimed, you may opt to be waitlisted. This event is a partnership between Ethical Systems and the Behavioral Science and Policy Association, with CEO Trust and support from NYU Stern School of Business.


(NOTE: At registration, you may register for individual sessions or for the entire conference. See detailed program descriptions at bottom.):  

  • 8:30-9:15 - Breakfast & Introduction to Ethical Systems
  • 9:15-9:45 - Keynote - Behavioral Ethics
  • 9:45-10:30 - Plenary 1 - Ethical Culture Defined & Measured
  • 11:00-12:00 - Plenary 2 - Beyond Carrots & Sticks: Encouraging a Speak-Up Culture
  • 12:00-1:15 - Lunch & Table Discussions
  • 1:15-2:10 - Plenary 3 - Compliance Boxes Checked: Creating a Path for Ethics
  • 2:20-3:05 - Lightning Rounds: Wisdom in Seven Minutes
  • 3:30-4:20 - Plenary 4 - Balancing Incentives to Perform vs. Incentives to Cheat
  • 4:20-5:00 - Closing: The Future of Business Ethics
  • 5:00-7:00 - Cocktail Reception & Mingling

About Ethical Systems: is a non-profit collaboration of researchers who share the conviction—backed by research—that good ethics is good business. We believe that integrity in business is enhanced by leaders who take a systems approach to their organizations and operational environments. Ethical Systems merges systems thinking, psychology and economics to improve the ethical functioning of organizations. 

About the Behavioral Science and Policy Association:  

The behavioral science & policy association is a global hub of behavioral science resources curated to facilitate positive change in the public and private sectors. Our growing community of scholars and policymakers in various disciplines bring innovative policy solutions to the private and public sectors—with a simple goal in mind:  to address social change for the public interest.


8:30-9:15 - Breakfast & Introduction to Ethical Systems - How can ethical systems design make companies more profitable, productive and positive? Join us for breakfast as author Jonathan Haidt, Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at NYU Stern School of Business, opens Ethics By Design discussing the mission of Ethical Systems and the central advantages of ethical systems design for businesses today.

9:15-9:45 - Keynote - Behavioral Ethics - Author Nick Epley, professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, delivers an opening keynote describing four misconceptions that often misdirect organizations around managing ethics. Understanding and demystifying these areas will help organizations better align behaviors with their long-term ethical goals.

9:45-10:30 - Plenary 1 - Ethical Culture Defined & Measured - What does it mean to have an ethical culture in your organization? How can companies accurately evaluate whether they have an ethical culture - and what metrics and measurements can facilitate this process? "Ethical Culture: Defined and measured" is a conversation between academic and business leaders that will define the benefits of an ethical culture and how companies differ in their approach, tools and analysis to tackle this challenging issue.  Speakers:  Brian Beeghly, Vice President of Ethics and Compliance at Johnson Controls, Inc.; and Linda Treviño, distinguished professor of organizational behavior and ethics at Smeal College of Business at Penn State

11:00-12:00 - Plenary 2 - Beyond Carrots & Sticks: Encouraging a Speak-Up Culture - A speak up culture is one in which employees are able to freely express concerns about company activities and policies, without fear of retribution. A speak up culture can only be achieved with buy-in at all levels and a clear understanding of the role of ethics versus compliance as a motivator for conduct. This plenary is designed to spotlight the best ways to instill a speak up culture in organizations today, based on behavioral science research, data and knowledge around internal reporting / whistleblowing and human behavior. Speakers:  Sean Martin, assistant professor of management and organizations at Boston University; and Elizabeth Morrison, ITT Harold Geneen Professor in Creative Management and the Vice Dean of Faculty at NYU Stern School of Business

12:00-1:15 - Lunch & Table Discussions

1:15-2:10 - Plenary 3 - Compliance Boxes Checked: Creating a Path for Ethics - What are the varied behavioral challenges compliance officers face? How can compliance and ethics professionals do their job more efficiently and effectively using the cumulative knowledge from the field? In this discussion, you will learn successful strategies employed by a range of companies as well as the latest trends impacting the compliance industry. By empowering employees to behave ethically, C&E leaders can motivate broad-based compliance and viability in their organizations. Speakers:  Jeffrey Kaplan, partner at Kaplan & Walker, LLP; and Donald C. Langevoort, Thomas Aquinas Reynolds Professor of Law at Georgetown Law

2:20-3:05 - Lightning Rounds: Wisdom in Seven Minutes - Hear from prominent academics and practitioners who will each present, in 7 minutes talks, their latest research, practices and insights relating to business ethics, strengthening culture and maximizing ethical behavior in companies. Speakers:  TBA.

3:30-4:20 - Plenary 4 - Balancing Incentives to Perform vs. Incentives to Cheat - Goal setting can motivate employee behavior, but also has the potential to induce ethical misconduct, despite their ubiquity at all levels in business today. The final plenary explores the research relating to the downside of goal setting, and the challenges faced by compensation committees and others when integrating ethics into performance and financial incentives. Learn how a shift in perspective and strategy around goals can engender better performance from teams and greater long-term alignment for the organization. Speakers:  Marc Hodak, adjunct professor at NYU Stern School of Business and founder of Hodak Value Advisers; and Lisa Ordóñez, Vice Dean and The McClelland Professor in the department of management and organizations at the Eller College of Management at The University of Arizona

4:20-5:00 - Closing: The Future of Business Ethics Research builds on knowledge and lessons from the past to create plans for the future. Our closing session will showcase the next steps in the ethics industry, charting ethical pathways for companies as well as the organizations set up to support and service them. See why short-term thinking is on the way out and the many reasons why trust, integrity and taking a stakeholder perspective are the way forward. Speakers:  Charles H. Greene, founder and CEO of Trusted Advisor Associates; and Jonathan Haidt, Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at NYU Stern School of Business

5:00-7:00 - Cocktail Reception & Mingling

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