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Cyber threats and corporate fraud are two of the most serious business challenges facing today’s corporate leaders. As CEO’s, we must ensure that our companies' most important business assets remain secure and our risks kept at a minimum, but preventing and/or managing these risks is a daunting task. Cyber threats and corporate fraud alike have led to the downfall of entire organizations, massive investment losses, and significant legal costs. Join us for a timely discussion on how to identify and protect your company from these threats.
Shamoil Shipchandler, Regional Director for the SEC's Fort Worth Regional Office, will outline the nature of current cybersecurity threats facing corporate America, how companies typically address these threats, and the appearance of the current regulatory landscape.
Rick Velasquez, retired FBI special agent and current independent forensic accounting consultant, will then address corporate fraud – what it is, how to deter it – and will present specific cases to assist CEOs in identifying the red flags of corporate fraud.
Join us for this engaging and timely discussion regarding two of the most significant threats facing your company today.
If you are a CEO or C-level executive and would like to see if you qualify to attend this event, register online here or contact Cathy Curley with your interest.
7:30 - 8:00 - Mingling reception & light breakfast 8:00 - 8:30 - Cyber Security with Shamoil Shipchandler 8:30-9:00 - Corporate Fraud with Rick Velasquez 9:00-9:30 - Q&A
HOST: Moss Adams
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