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NY: The Elephant in the Room is Laughing - Humor’s Impact on Teamwork

  • September 12, 2017
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Sent With Confirmation
  • 0

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Organizational success depends on many things, not the least of which is the flow of interpersonal energy. People are often experiencing one of two energy flow states; they are either being energized or they are being drained of their energy. The state these folks find themselves in effectively impacts the environment for the whole group.

Humor is a language that people use to join and identify a common universe. They consciously and unconsciously make statements through humor about themselves, their relationships, their groups, and their fears, which they find difficult to say otherwise.

Humor, or its lack, functions like a thermostat, controlling the climate within any business environment. It is a key component of the atmosphere that surrounds all who interact with each other within any setting. In organizations, which consist of sets of human relationships, humor is one way the dynamics of the group are illuminated. Simply put, positive humor fosters a warm and inviting feeling. Negative, divisive humor makes a place and its people seem cold, cruel or aloof. Absence of humor altogether indicates a systemic blockage of communication.This program aims to examine practical ways and means of understanding & using humor personally and professionally. 

Learning Objectives/Outcomes, You will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between the 4 functions of humor - shield, weapon, bridge, and spotlight.

  2. Discuss how humor impacts mental, physical, emotional perception.

  3. Apply personal sense of humor to varied groups.

  4. Employ a tactic to recall & retell any joke or humorous story.

If you are a CEO and would like to see if you qualify to attend this event, register online.


6:00 to 6:30 pm - Reception with Wine, Beer & Hors D'Oeuvres
6:30 to 7:30 pm - Program



Izzy Gesell, MS Ed, CSP is an "organizational alchemist" who helps individuals and organizations transform their thinking from commonplace to extraordinary. Through his keynotes, trainings, coaching, and facilitated sessions, Izzy offers imaginative, intuitive and immediately useful insights and programs. He is skilled at delivering meaningful in a way that makes participants enjoy their time with him.

Izzy was one of the first to use improv theater concepts as tools for personal and organizational learning. He is the author of Playing Along: Group Learning Activities Borrowed from Improvisation Theater, a co-author of Humor Me: America's Funniest Humorists on the Power of Laughter, and a contributor of a chapter on Improvisation as a facilitation tool in the IAF Group Facilitators Handbook. His latest project is a deck of cards with improv games on them.

He has worked with dental association members to help foster their leadership skills, helped Aetna Insurance custmer reps learn to manage their stress, facilitated NASA engineers on enhancing their leadership skills and guided Hewlett Packard global managers to communicate more effectively.

Recognized by his peers, he has earned a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers Association. Less than 15% of NSA's 4.000 members are CSPs. The International Facilitators Association (IAF) regularly calls on him to train facilitators in his techniques.

A former stand-up comedian and public school teacher, Izzy was raised in Brooklyn, NY, where commonplace thinking was frowned upon. He has earned a BA in Psychology, an Ms in Education and a P... thats 1/3 of a PhD and now lives in Northampton, Massachusetts. 

For more information on Izzy Gesell, please visit

About RGP

The world’s leading businesses trust Resources Global Professionals (RGP) with their most pressing initiatives. Partnering with business leaders, RGP drives internal change across all parts of a global enterprise - finance & accounting; information management; governance, risk & compliance; human capital; legal & regulatory; corporate advisory & restructuring; strategic communications; and supply chain management. Founded in 1996, RGP is the operating subsidiary of Irvine, California-based Resources Connection, Inc. (NASDAQ: RECN).

If you have questions, the event coordinator is Alexandra Morrow.

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