Join CEOs at the prestigious Dallas Petroleum Club for breakfast and a fascinating, inside view of the region's top security threats posed by criminal gangs, foreign terrorists, domestic extremists and rogue individuals.
Enjoy a rare discussion with top security leaders. This expert panel will share their candid insights and experiences regarding cyber-security, corporate espionage, complex financial fraud, human trafficking, workplace violence and joint terrorism task force operations-and how they are working to protect the public and corporate America.
Take advantage of this highly interactive program for CEOs to ask questions of top experts and strategize about our own businesses and risk mitigation against bad elements.
If you are a CEO and would like to see if you qualify to attend this event, register online.
7:30 - 8:00 am - Coffee & Mingling
8:00 - 9:00 am - Breakfast & Discussion
Aaron Tapp, Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC), Federal Bureau of Investigation
Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Aaron Tapp entered on duty as an FBI Special Agent in 2003 and reported to the Albany Field Office where he investigated public corruption and other complex financial crimes. While in Albany, he successfully investigated several New York State officials for utilizing their public office for personal gain.
Mr. Tapp transferred to the San Antonio Field Office in 2007 and was assigned to work complex financial investigations including a case which resulted in the conviction of several executives who perpetrated the largest fraud ever charged in the Western District of Texas.
In 2011, he was promoted to the Counterterrorism Division at FBIHQ, where he oversaw complex terrorism financing cases in the Terrorism Financing Operations Section(TFOS). While at FBIHQ, Mr. Tapp worked with Agents and Analysts throughout the country and around the world to detect, disrupt and prosecute those who fund terrorism.
In 2013, ASAC Tapp was designated Supervisory Senior Resident Agent (SSRA) of the Topeka and Manhattan Resident Agencies in the Kansas City Division, where he led Agents and Analysts involved in every FBI program across 36 counties in the northern half of Kansas.
On September 4, 2017, he reported to the Dallas Field Office and currently leads the National Security Branch. ASAC Tapp is a former member of the Albany and San Antonio FBI SWAT teams. He earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Utah and an MBA from Utah State University. He is married and has 4 children.
Jeoff Williams, Regional Director, Texas Department of Public Safety
Jeoff Williams is a native Texan and former Marine with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.
He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the DEA Drug Unit Commanders Academy, and has extensive experience leading crime reduction operations, border operations, and conducting and leading organized crime investigations. With over 30 years of combined military and law-enforcement experience, he serves as a subject matter expert in multiple disciplines, including tactical training, active shooter response, organized crime, and human trafficking investigations.
While serving in the Marine Corps, he received four meritorious promotions and served as an Infantry Platoon Sergeant during Operation Desert Storm. After Desert Storm, he finished his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice at Southwest Texas State University and in 1994 joined Texas DPS, where he began his career as a Highway Patrol Trooper. As a Trooper, he received numerous awards for drug interdiction and went on to hold several positions in the Department, including SWAT Team member, Staff Sergeant on the Governor’s Protection Detail for George W. Bush, as well as numerous assignments in the Criminal Investigations Division.
As a Narcotics Sergeant in Dallas, he conducted investigations targeting drug trafficking organizations, corrupt public officials, and numerous undercover assignments. After promoting to Lieutenant, he led investigations into violent crime and drug trafficking organizations in DFW and developed standardized tactics and investigative techniques for task force officers and DPS Agents around the state. In 2009, he promoted to Criminal Investigations Division Captain, where he deployed the state’s first Human Trafficking squad. There he established the investigative strategies into Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation, which eventually became a model for the country. He has lectured around the state and at international conferences on the subject. In 2014, Jeoff promoted to Major where he maintained oversight of the Criminal Investigations Division for the North Texas Region. As the Major, he developed the Division’s Field Training Officer Program curriculum, which is currently in use statewide.
Throughout his career, Jeoff has served as an Adjunct Instructor at the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Program at Texas State University. The ALERRT Program serves as the nation’s model for active shooter response training. Jeoff has done extensive research into mass casualty and active shooter response and has participated in curriculum development at ALERRT. He has provided thousands of hours of Active Shooter training across the nation to civilians, first responders, and their leadership.
James A. Savage, Jr., Principal, Savage Global Strategies, Proactive Global Security Strategist
Jim Savage is a global risk management strategist and practitioner with extensive experience in the energy industry and in the U.S. Secret Service, including assignments in high-risk locations.
Throughout his career, he has been a trusted partner of and advisor to top management and the board of directors, valued for strategic planning, threat assessment, policy development, crisis management, asset protection and emergency preparedness.
Previously, he was Chief Security Officer and Senior Vice President for Hunt Oil but most recently, is Principal of Savage Global Strategies, LLC. Jim advises corporations and private sector clients in developing security programs and workplace violence prevention programs for operations in diverse environments. He supports protective advance and executive security detail training courses for Department of Defense elements and provides personal risk-management advice to high-net-worth clients and families. He also assists private equity groups with the assessment of target acquisitions in the private security industry.
He also brings extensive experience on Boards of Directors, having served as a current Member on the Genesis, Crimes Against Women Conference Board; founding and current Board Member of Genesis Women’s Shelter, HeROs Men’s Alliance; Co-Founder and Former Chairman of OpMed Foundation; Current Vice Chairman of The Texas Department of Public Safety Foundation; and past Board Member of the C.C. Young Senior and Retirement Center. He established, implemented and chaired the Courtroom Advocacy Group of men from the non-profit Genesis Women’s Shelter to support victims of domestic violence in the courtroom and co-founded Operational Medicine Foundation, a non-profit organization designed to teach and equip law enforcement and private sector security professionals advanced blood-control techniques using former U.S. military Special Forces medics and physicians.